Construindo o futuro do esporte

Na Sports Tech Ventures, transformamos ideias em startups inovadoras para o mercado esportivo, apoiando empreendedores e entidades a desenvolver soluções tecnológicas escaláveis e replicáveis.

A sports complex featuring multiple tennis courts surrounded by trees and urban buildings in the background. The courts are enclosed by fencing and covered with blue and green surfaces. Benches and a clock are visible near the courts, with tall buildings rising in the distance.
A sports complex featuring multiple tennis courts surrounded by trees and urban buildings in the background. The courts are enclosed by fencing and covered with blue and green surfaces. Benches and a clock are visible near the courts, with tall buildings rising in the distance.



Inovação constante



Estamos localizados em um ambiente inovador, onde apoiamos startups e entidades esportivas a desenvolver soluções tecnológicas para o mercado do esporte.


Rua das Startups, 123


9h às 18h

Avaliações Clientes

Veja o que nossos clientes dizem sobre nossas soluções inovadoras.

A Sports Tech Ventures transformou minha ideia em um negócio escalável e inovador. A equipe é extremamente profissional e dedicada ao sucesso das startups.

João Silva
A group of athletes in white shirts with black and red accents are gathered together, engaged in conversation and smiling. They appear to be on a sports field with empty bleachers in the background. The setting is outdoors, and it seems sunny. Some individuals are wearing caps or headbands.
A group of athletes in white shirts with black and red accents are gathered together, engaged in conversation and smiling. They appear to be on a sports field with empty bleachers in the background. The setting is outdoors, and it seems sunny. Some individuals are wearing caps or headbands.

São Paulo

A experiência com a Sports Tech Ventures foi incrível. Eles me ajudaram a desenvolver uma solução tecnológica que realmente atende às necessidades do mercado esportivo. Recomendo a todos!

An aerial view of a large sports complex with a vibrant blue field surrounded by a red boundary and adjacent clay courts. The complex is nestled amidst dense greenery and trees, with a few buildings visible in the background. The setting appears to be serene and well-maintained, with a sense of spaciousness.
An aerial view of a large sports complex with a vibrant blue field surrounded by a red boundary and adjacent clay courts. The complex is nestled amidst dense greenery and trees, with a few buildings visible in the background. The setting appears to be serene and well-maintained, with a sense of spaciousness.
Maria Costa

Rio de Janeiro
